Tips to save water

It's easy to make small changes to save water. Our tips will help you use less water in your home and garden and save money on your bills.

How can I save water?

To get started, read our summer water saving tips and explore our interactive home and garden to find simple ways to save water.


Plus, our handy guides will help you understand how much water you're using and give you tips to use less water in the bathroom, kitchen and garden. We'll also help you save energy.

Summer water saving tips

Tips for saving water in the garden:

  • Water your plants, fruit and veg with a watering can instead of a hosepipe. Plants drink from the roots so water at the base of the plant rather than watering leaves. This gives your plants a drink but means there is less water going to waste.
  • Never leave your sprinkler* on overnight. It is counter-productive, because when it's wet and dark, it will encourage snails and slugs to come out and they will eat your plants. A sprinkler left running use between 500 and 1,000 litres of water an hour. Instead, try using a watering can early in the morning before the sun is fully risen.
  • Use a straw mulch on top of your plants as it retains moisture and stops the soil drying out quickly. This can be bought from a garden centre.
  • If you are planting new plants to spruce up the garden, choose plants that will flourish with less water. Visit our gardening section here to find out what types of plant to look out for.
  • Preparing your lawn for the summer months? Add any lawn treatment when it is due to rain rather than using a hosepipe. Rainwater is also much more nutritious than tap water as it contains nitrogen that boosts growth. Plus, over watering encourages weed growth.
  • Install a water butt in your garden or use drip trays to catch water and use the stored rainwater in your garden.
  • Don’t over-water your lawn as this encourages roots to grow closer to the surface, making the roots sensitive in drought and dry periods and encourages weeds. A lawn may turn brown but will quickly recover in the wetter months.
  • Use a watering can instead of a hose or sprinkler and water plants in the evening or first thing in the morning, as sun and wind can take away moisture.
  • If the paddling pool is out, don't fill it to the top and let it spill over. You could save 30 litres of water for every inch, that's enough water for a family of four to drink in a week! And once you're done, why not use the water from your pool to water your plants?


Please note, if you do use a sprinkler, you must be on a water meter. If you don't have a water meter you can apply for water meter online.


Also, if you spot a leak in the street, please help us to fix it quickly by reporting a leak online.

Tips for saving water outdoors:

  • Check the weather and schedule your car wash for a day after it rains. Washing your car on the grass helps put the excess water to good use and try using a bucket instead of a hose.
  • Grabbing some spring rays for a BBQ? Wait until everyone’s had their seconds (or thirds!) and fill up the dishwasher. A full dishwasher on eco-setting uses less water than washing up by hand!
  • Dish the dirt – there’s no need to pre-rinse any plates, simply scrape and place in the dishwasher.
  • If you’re out and about, please help us spot leaks. Warm weather can cause pipe damage. To save water in your area, report any leaks online you spot so that they can be fixed quickly or call 0800 393 084.
More water saving tips:

  • Remember to keep hydrated! Clean, clear and great tasting tap water helps to keep your body refreshed and healthy during those warmer days.
  • Keep a jug of water in the fridge so you have cool and refreshing water to hand, saving you running the tap. Or simply keep your freezer topped up with ice-cubes!
  • Finished with that drink? Pop those leftover ice-cubes onto plant pots, indoors or outdoors to give them a refreshing drink too.
  • Having a salad? Wash your produce in a bowl of water instead of under running tap water.
  • Have a refreshing shower rather than a bath and save 10 litres every time. By also having shorter showers (aim for four minutes per day) – you can save up to 17 litres per day. Around a fifth of energy (gas and electricity) used in the home is used to heat water so you could save money too.
  • Enjoying a workout or going for a walk? Make sure you carry a reusable water bottle with you to keep yourself going during your exercise.
  • Fixing your house up this summer? Why not also install some water saving devices when you’re working on home improvements. Order your free water saving kit (opens new window).
  • Could a water meter save you money as well as water? A water meter could save you on average £80 a year. Try out our water usage calculator.
  • Check your toilet for leaks. Leaking toilets can waste up to 215 litres of water a day. If it’s leaking, we may be able to fix it for free.
Water saving tips in the home
Water saving tips in the garden
Handy guide to saving water in the home
Handy guide to saving water in the garden



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