May 2023 – first session
In May 2023 we held our first ‘Your water, your say’ online session which was attended by a wide range of individuals, community groups and stakeholders and gave them the opportunity to hear more about our draft plan and ask us about it.
The feedback from this session helped shape our plans, along with the extensive customer research and engagement that we have carried out over the last two years. Our proposed plans were published in October 2023 and further details can be found on our Business Plan page (opens new window).
Feedback from the session
To find out more about the session we held in May 2023, a copy of the presentation and written record of our ‘Your say, your water’ event are below.
We also held a session with our People Panel group, our regional representative groups which include both current and future customers across our operating areas. Below is a written record of the session.
November 2023 – second session
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our second 'Your water, your say' session on Thursday 9 November 2023.
At the session Heidi Mottram, our Chief Executive, outlined our proposed plans for 2025-30 which we have submitted to Ofwat. The session was also an opportunity for customers to ask questions about the plan, the service we provide, our impact on the environment, about their bills and support available.
You can view the presentation slides from the evening.
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