filling kettle kitchen tap
Latest Water Resources Situation

The water from your tap starts its journey in either in a river, lake, reservoir or aquifer (underground, water bearing rock). From there, it is transferred by pipelines to one of our water treatment works where it is treated before being distributed to your homes through our network of pipelines. So the more water you use, the more water we have to abstract from the environment and treat at our water treatment works. Water is a finite resource and it is important we leave as much water as possible in the environment so that our amazing rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and the wildlife they support, are able to function more naturally. This is particularly important during dry weather and droughts.

To help you make more informed decisions about your water use, we will report our latest water resources situation on this web page.

The tables below present the following information:

  • Rainfall: If rainfall totals for the month, quarter or year are above, below or at average levels for the time of year; and
  • Reservoir stocks: If reservoir stocks are above, below or at average levels for the time of year.

When reservoir stocks or rainfall totals are below average and particularly when below average for longer than a month, then this is the time to start to try and reduce your water use in your home and garden. Top tips for doing this can be found here!


In addition to rainfall and reservoir stocks, we have also included a table to confirm the likelihood of formal restrictions on water use being needed. We’ll confirm this each month as being either a low, medium or high risk. The table also confirms whether there are any formal restrictions on the use of water. For example, during a significant drought, we may need to implement a Temporary Use Ban (or TUB), more commonly known as a 'Hosepipe Ban'.





 Last month:

 May 2024

 144% of (LTA)

 Long-Term Average

 Above average

 Last 3 months:

 Mar to May 2024

 141% of LTA  Above average

 Last 6 months:

 Dec 2023 to May 2024

 149% of LTA  Above average

 Last 12 months:

 Jun 2023 to May 2024

 145% of LTA  Above average

 Combined reservoir storage

 95%  Above average

 Regional Hydrological outlook



For current river levels please refer to the EA website.

 Low  No  Business as usual
 No  No  No


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