What to do about rodents

We understand that seeing a rodent in or around your home can be very distressing. That’s why we want to give you all the information you need to get the problem dealt with as soon as possible by the right people.

Who is responsible?

If you see a rodent or evidence of rodent activity, it is important to note where they may be coming from. If they are in open areas such as gardens or allotments, or areas where there is excessive rubbish or food waste, your first point of contact would be the local authority.


They have the duty and the power to take reasonable steps to make sure their district is free from rats and mice.  Find your local authority’s rodent advice (opens in new window)



If the area is clear of rubbish/food waste, and you believe that the rodents are coming from drains or sewers that are our responsibility, we can help. See sewer pipe responsibility for further information.

What we will do

Once we have received notification of rodent activity we will:

  • Arrange a call back from one of our Sewerage Technical Support Assistants, who will gather as much information as possible from you regarding the location and scale of the issue.
  • If deemed necessary, we will attend site and carry out a CCTV survey of the relevant sewer network and relevant inspection chambers. Reasonable efforts will also be made to survey the private drains and chambers during the visit.
  • If any defects are found within our sewer network that appear to be the root cause of the issue, remedial works will be arranged to repair the defect.
  • If defects are found within your private drain network, you will be informed and advised to make your own repairs, perhaps through your household insurance if applicable.
  • If no defects are found, this would indicate the issue is not related to the sewer network, and we would advise you to contact your local authority or a private pest control company.
  • Rodent baiting may be considered in some circumstances and will usually be carried out in consultation with the local authority.


More questions about rodents

Rats are mainly active at night but may be seen during the day searching for food, water or shelter. The following are indications of rodent activity:

  • Rat droppings. Rat droppings are capsule-shaped, black and up to 12 millimetres long. Fresh droppings will be soft and moist.
  • Rat runs. Rats tend to stick to the same routes. Look for trails through grass and low vegetation.
  • Burrows. Rats build tunnel systems. Look for entrance holes which may be up to 120 millimetres in diameter and are most likely to be located at the edge of paving and around drain covers, under tree roots and in grassy banks.
  • Nests. Nests will sometimes be found indoors, under floorboards or in lofts.
  • Gnawing. Rats chew continually. Look for gnaw marks on cables, pipe work and wooden fittings.
We can all help prevent rat infestation.

  • Keep your home in good repair as rats can enter through a gap as small as 15 millimetres.
  • Remove any potential nesting sites by keeping yards and gardens clean and tidy, and cut back any overgrown areas.
  • Make sure that drain inspection covers are in place and in good repair.
  • Be aware that Compost heaps – Any food source would attract rodents
  • Seal gaps around heating and water pipes.
  • Ventilation bricks and slots should already have a fine wire mesh incorporated. If this is worn, replace it externally with 3.15 millimetre insect mesh.
  • Don’t leave household waste where rats can get access to it. Keep dustbin lids and composters closed and don’t feed wild birds to excess – you may be feeding rats as well.
  • Keep in mind that putting fat, grease and food scraps down sinks can not only block your drain and cause flooding, it is also an attractive food source for rodents.
  • Interceptor caps in manholes are there to prevent odours only, a missing cap will not be the cause of rodent activity.
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