Water Industry Accredited Entity Scheme (WIRSAE)
At Northumbrian Water, we recognise the Water Industry Accredited Entity Scheme (WIRSAE).
This allows accredited entities under this scheme to carry out the following defined activities on behalf of a retailer:
- Temporary Disconnection and Re-Connection Non-Household Premises up to and including 40mm sized supply
- Temporary Disconnection and Re-Connection Non-Household Premises over 40mm sized supply
To carry out these activities, retailers or their nominated service providers will need to be certified as an accredited entity.
The Northumbrian Water Ltd scheme will be administered by LRQA, and they will carry out the initial accreditation assessments, certification and ongoing monitoring on our behalf.
How to find out more
Details of the accredited entity scheme and how to apply for accreditation are available on the LRQA website (opens new window).
Accredited entities working on our network will need to comply with Northumbrian Water's addendum to the Generic Code of Practice, which can be downloaded below.
If you would like further information, please contact Wholesale Services at wholesale@nwl.co.uk
Downloadable content
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